In the spirit of eating my own dog food, this privacy notice has been drafted using the tool which shipped in WordPress 4.9.6, which I helped to develop. Yes, that feels as weird as you think. If you’re looking for assistance drafting your own privacy notice, use the guide within the WordPress privacy policy tool.
This is as useful a place as any to remind you that I am not a lawyer, and that none of the information you’ll find on this site should be taken as legal advice. The resources on this site are for your information only. I’m not responsible for what you do, how you comply, or how you mess up.
Also, if you’re one of those American academics who crawls privacy notices so that you can send site administrators research requests disguised as legal threats: you’re a dick.
Comment policy
The only person allowed to make a twat of themself on this blog is me.
If you leave a comment on my blog indicative of, or for the sole purpose of, being a twat, it will not be approved.