Fixing the UK’s Online Safety Bill, part 1: we need answers. 31 July 2022 UK policy age verification / encryption / intermediary liability / internet governance / Online Safety Bill These unanswered questions need to be cleared out of the way before the Bill can progress, regardless of who takes over that work next month.
Fixing the UK’s Online Safety Bill, part 0: no, it’s not fixable. 21 July 2022 UK policy internet governance / Online Safety Bill / unregulated wild west internet fallacy Ahead of its return in September, I want to offer some constructive thoughts on how the Online Safety Bill's weaknesses should be improved. That's an academic exercise, though, because this Bill is not fixable.
Yes, the UK is trying to Brexit the Internet 19 March 2022 UK policy internet governance You're not crazy: the UK is copying the same tactics it used for Brexit and is pasting them, wholesale, into internet regulation.
Internet regulation debates need rules of engagement. Here’s a start. 7 November 2021 UK policy internet governance / Online Safety Bill / senior management liability I don't know who needs to hear this, but there's more than one company on the internet.
World-leading internet diplomacy, or perhaps not 17 October 2021 UK policy internet governance / Online Safety Bill The enemy of my enemy is neither my friend nor a regulatory role model.
Political Geography and the Internet: the view from 1999 17 May 2021 Musings internet governance Here's what we trainee diplomats were getting to grips with at the turn of the millennium.