All posts filed under: Press
Recent interviews and quotes in external media.
Recent media quotes and talks
Wired UK: MPs slam UK data regulator for failing to protect people’s rights
UX Podcast: Privacy privilege
Per and James discussed my article on privacy privilege on this week’s UX Podcast.
What the Schrems II ruling means for Brexit
Quoted in Digital Privacy News
I spoke with Digital Privacy News about the German antitrust case which ruled that Facebook must allow users to opt-out of data sharing across its platforms.
Press coverage: Google Brexits
I spoke with Business Insider about the political context behind Google’s decision to move UK accounts out of the EU’s jurisdiction. I also spoke with TechCrunch about the issue from a slightly different angle. One of my tweets about the issue was retweeted by Neil Gaiman, who now owes me a new phone battery.
Euractiv: AdequacyLOL
I’m quoted in Euractiv today on Boris Johnson’s unilateral declaration that the UK is taking its ball and going home where data protection adequacy is concerned. The article is also available in French and in German.
Interview on privacy and WordPress with WPBuilds
Because I always look impressive in blockquotes
Quoted in the DM
Won’t somebody think of the democracy?
I wrote for PublicTechnology about the Minister for Health exploiting technology fears to run roughshod over consultative democracy and the rule of law.