The era of sociopaths is over

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It is intellectually inconsistent to preach about a disruptive, billion-dollar vision and imagine it as being free from regulatory considerations. It fascinates me how often entrepreneurs lack a basic grounding in the regulatory hurdles they may face. Hemant Tajena, 'The era of move fast and break things is over'

The web can no longer be a career choice for people who want to work in a field where there are no obligations, no ethics, no rules, and no constraints.

The introduction of obligations, ethics, rules, and constraints into the web can no longer be a call to victimhood, persecution complexes, and martyrdom.

The veneration of internal terms of service and ethics washing as a substitute for regulatory education, legislative cooperation, and professional governance is dead on arrival.

And the veneration of our origin myths – the visions of a Cyberspace home of Mind, free of the tyranny of flesh and steel – shows them up for the drug-addled ramblings that they were.

If you don’t believe that the code, the projects, and the people you ship into the world should work within a space defined by obligations, ethics, rules, and constraints, you’re not a visionary, an innovator, or an influencer. You’re a sociopath.

The Author

I’m a UK tech policy wonk based in Glasgow. I work for an open web built around international standards of human rights, privacy, accessibility, and freedom of expression. The content and opinions on this site are mine alone and do not reflect the opinions of any current or previous team.